She slammed the car into gear, the tyres screaming as her foot jammed against the accelerator 她用力关上车门发动汽车,脚猛踩油门时轮胎发出刺耳的声音。
His foot stamped down on the accelerator 他一脚踩下油门。
He put his foot down hard on the accelerator. 他用劲踩油门踏板。
Still, somewhat nervously, I kept my foot on the accelerator. 虽然有点紧张,但我还是踩着油门不放。
You're cruising down the road, the wind rushes in through an open window, and your foot lowers on the accelerator. 您的车正缓慢地行驶在路上,风透过打开的窗户刮了进来,您用脚踩了油门。
But, says Morris Chang, chief executive, had he known how robust demand would be today, he would have kept his "foot on the accelerator" rather than delaying plans to build factories in Hsinchu and elsewhere. 但该公司首席执行官张忠谋(morrischang)表示,如果他早知道今天的需求如此强劲,他当初会“继续踩住油门”,而不是推迟在新竹和其它地区兴建工厂的计划。
And that's with my foot still firmly on the accelerator. 现在我的脚还一真踩住油门呢。
"Settle into the driver's seat, fasten the seat belt, shift into first gear and put your foot on the accelerator, push down the handbrake*" 坐上驾驶座,系好安全带,挂一挡,脚放在油门上,放下手刹
Upon reaching the crest of the connecting bridge, I took my foot off the accelerator, made sure I was in the highest possible gear and coasted down the section. 在到达山顶的连接桥,我把我的脚从加速器,确定了我在尽可能最高的齿轮和滑行下降这一段。
Wenger admitted that his players took their foot off the accelerator, but Henry gave credit to bolton. 温格承认他的队员松了油门,但是亨利称赞了博尔顿的表现。
Remember to take your foot off the accelerator when you change gear. 在你换挡时,记住把脚从油门移开。
Bang, bang, one foot steps on next accelerator, a brand-new Japanese car is just as the arrow that leaves spring, like greased lightning a wall bumped into kind of ground face to go. 轰、轰,一脚踩下油门,一辆崭新的日本轿车犹如离弦之箭,风驰电掣般地朝一堵墙撞了过去。
She put her foot down on the accelerator pedal and sped off. 她用脚踩加速器踏板急驶而去。
Shift into first gear and put your foot on the accelerator. 挂一挡,脚放在油门上。
So, thanks to the hard work of Alfa Romeo and Magneti Marelli, the car is responsive and reliable when you turn the steering wheel or put your foot on the accelerator. 所以,感谢的阿尔法罗密欧和MagnetiMarelli的努力,赛车和可靠的反应时,你把方向盘放在加速器你的脚。
Its probably because they got their foot on the accelerator a fraction a a second before you. Ever was she to the fore, lifting the web-ed shoes and making the way easy. 这很可能是因为他们踩下油门的时间比你早了一点点。她总是走在前面,提着雪板踩在雪上,让路可以平整一点。